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Sunday 22 October 2017


How To Make Yogurt 
Makes about 2 quarts yogurt

What You Need

1/2 gallon milk — whole or 2% are best, but skim can also be used

1/2 cup commercial yogurt containing active cultures

3 quart or larger Dutch oven or heavy saucepan with a lid
Instant-read or candy thermometer (one that can clip to the side of the pan)
Small measuring cup or small bowl


  1. Heat the milk. Pour the milk into the Dutch oven and set over medium to medium-high heat. Warm the milk to right below boiling, about 200°F. Stir the milk gently as it heats to make sure the bottom doesn't scorch and the milk doesn't boil over. According to the National Center for Home Food Preservation, this heating step is necessary to change the protein structure in the milk so it sets as a solid instead of separating.
  2. Cool the milk. Let the milk cool until it is just warm to the touch, 112°F to 115°F. Stir occasionally to prevent a skin from forming. (Though if one does form, you can either stir it back in or pull it out for a snack!) You can help this step go faster by placing the Dutch oven in an ice water bath and gently stirring the milk.
  3. Thin the yogurt with milk. Scoop out about a cup of warm milk with a measuring cup and add the yogurt. Whisk until smooth and the yogurt is dissolved in the milk.
  4. Whisk the thinned yogurt into the milk. Pour the thinned yogurt into the warm milk while whisking gently. This inoculates the milk with the yogurt culture.
  5. Transfer the pot to the (turned-off) oven. Cover the Dutch oven with the lid and place the whole pot in a turned-off oven — turn on the oven light or wrap the pot in towels to keep the milk warm as it sets (ideally around 110°F, though some variance is fine). You can also make the yogurt in a dehydrator left at 110°F or using a yogurt maker.
  6. Wait for the yogurt to set. Let the yogurt set for at least 4 hours or as long as overnight — the exact time will depend on the cultures used, the temperature of the yogurt, and your yogurt preferences. The longer yogurt sits, the thicker and more tart it becomes. If this is your first time making yogurt, start checking it after 4 hours and stop when it reaches a flavor and consistency you like. Avoid jostling or stirring the yogurt until it has fully set.
  7. Cool the yogurt. Once the yogurt has set to your liking, remove it from the oven. If you see any watery whey on the surface of the yogurt, you can either drain this off or whisk it back into the yogurt before transferring to containers. Whisking also gives the yogurt a more consistent creamy texture. Transfer the to storage containers, cover, and refrigerate. Homemade yogurt will keep for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
  8. Your next batch of homemade yogurt. Once you start making your own yogurt, you can use some of each batch to culture your next batch. Just save 1/2 cup to use for this purpose. If after a few batches, you notice some odd flavors in your yogurt or that it's not culturing quite as quickly, that means that either some outside bacteria has taken up residence in your yogurt or that this strain is becoming weak. As long as this batch still tastes good to you, it will be safe to eat, but go back to using some store-bought commercial yogurt in your next batch.

Recipe Notes

• Cost Breakdown: We eat about a quart of yogurt a week in our house, which was costing roughly $2.60 a week. A half gallon of milk makes a little less than two quarts of yogurt, which has been just enough to last us two weeks. We buy a local brand of milk that costs $3.70 per half gallon ($1.85 per quart), so we end up saving about 75-cents per week on yogurt. Nice.
• Holding the Temperature: If your milk drops below 110° while it's incubating, that's fine. It will take a little longer to set and might end up a little looser, but the bacteria in the yogurt culture will keep the milk from spoiling. By the way, even after 8 hours in the oven (overnight), our yogurt made in the Dutch oven still usually registers about 100° when I take it out of the oven!
• Homemade Greek Yogurt: You can make Greek-style yogurt by straining your homemade yogurt until it is as thick as you like. Read more about it here: How to Make Thick & Creamy Greek-Style Yogurt


Healthy Fruit Salad With Yogurt

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Healthy Enjoy Teatime


Health is the first priority. Or at least that’s what all of us keep saying. But why? Is it really that important to maintain it? Yes. And that can’t be stressed enough. A healthy body is a gift that you can give to yourself and your loved ones. Health is related to so many branches of a human life; emotionally, spiritually, physically, and everything else. The most vital factor for any kind of well-being, health, tops the list. And if you lack health, you lack much more than just that!

If you are not leading a healthy life and not following a healthy lifestyle, you are in for some surprises. Surprises in the form of health problems which won’t make you too happy. From simple headaches to bad tummy pains, all can get worse beyond your imagination. And the weird part is, you won’t realize when it’s all happening.


Healthy drinks are easy to prepare and their benefits are amazing. They should be consumed immediately after preparation or at least one hour after preparation, because after an hour ingredients start to oxidase, which greatly reduces their nutritive values. Natural juices can effectively help us recover from various diseases. Certain juices support the whole organism and some treat specific diseases.

Why should we drink juices instead of eating fresh, red and ripe fruit?

“Because digestion of solid food lasts for hours and the body digests and absorbs juices very quickly, in just few minutes. Juices are constructive material because they are the fastest way to enable the organism with all necessary amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes, vitamins, feed the blood and tissues and clean wasted toxic substances and discharge wasted products.


Are you looking for a refreshing and healthy treat that doesn't involve baking? Or a cake for someone who can't tolerate eating gluten or other baked goods? Well here it is my friends! A watermelon cake. Yes, it is really made with a watermelon (seedless), and it is very easy to put together. This is the same way my grandma made us watermelon cake during the summer, but we used imitation whipped cream.


Looking for  healthy breakfast ideas? What about a  banana split?  for breakfast? YOU BET! Whip up this healthy, “clean-eating” version in about 5 min. and indulge guilt-free. 

Sometimes it’s all about the presentation…just changing things up a bit can make something feel “new” and “special”. Case in point, today’s healthy breakfast banana split! 

Healthy ingredients, like cottage cheese (or yogurt), fresh fruits and nuts that make up this banana split may already be part of your breakfast routine, but when you dress them up in a fun banana split bowl somehow, they just seem so decadent!

Friday 20 October 2017


Yogurt and yogurt-based drinks continue to become more popular, due to their appeal of combining healthy and functional properties with flavor.

Yogurt drinks often come in portion packs, making them easy to consume on-the-go and a healthy product for quick eating. Yogurt drinks are often flavored with fruit or fruit juice and can be enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Ambient drinking yogurt is seen as an untapped global potential and it has taken China by storm since its launch in 2010. The success has been driven by consumer demand for convenience, taste and nutritional benefit, trends that are reflected in many other countries.